Too often we hear the story that many of us who needs help often reject it. It can be because we can not see the Big Picture and simply do not understand the benefits. Unfortunately this trickles down to our kids and begins creating the same patterns as their parents. We are hindering the success of our children’s future.

We hear too often things like, “my boy does dance he plays sports”, or oh “my daughter knows how to dance already”. While this may be true it is preventing said child from experiencing things that can and will open up their mind and their possibilities. Many of us are so conditioned that at times we inflict our insecurities on our children. This is not only detrimental to the kids future in business or career goals but it also plays a big part of their personality. It affects their ability to create a healthy environment that motivates and pushes us to new explorations.
What we perceive
Many of the people we see as successful or rich are not rich because they went to school and got the education that taught them how to do it. More often it is because they were able to create networks and engage people. Engaging people with different ideas from their own who opened their eyes and heart to new possibilities. Most Realtors (people who buy and sell home or buildings) didn’t study that in college, it was a career change for most of them. Many of them may have taken classes or workshops to learn the ins and outs of the business and what it entails. Usually something they learned from someone else that sparked an interest and then they found ways to pursue that as a career.

With Parents limiting the things their child in exposed to that child is doomed and expected to practically replay the patterns of their environment most commonly their family and friends.
Allow them to Explore
If your child shows interest in something that you do not understand how it works or the possibilities that come along with it. We suggest that you let them try it. It may not be the thing they will end up doing as a career but they will make new friends with different interest. Like minded friends with different conditioning and a completely different view of the world from our own immediate surroundings. This can spark lifetime friendships, future business partners, or even different views of what success is and how to achieve it.
In order for our kids to grow and surpass us as parents and adults we need to provide them with as much exposure as possible. We live in a different world than we did 20 years ago and the ways of creating wealth has changed drastically. In this new era many are making millions from their bedroom filling a gap that the world sees as necessary.
Let the kids explore, let the kids play and while we are at it, we should also learn to learn new things. We should learn to play and we should learn to take chances on ourselves. If we will not take a chance on ourselves no one else will.