Covid – 19 Update

Hello Friends of Developing Dreams Foundation, we hope you and your family and friends are doing well and staying safe. We know that these are very difficult times for all of us, but we are all in this together. This is why we are seeking funds to continue to provide virtual arts programming.

We have taken a long hard look at our options to continue to do our part as a community leader. We began offering classes in April 2020 free of charge to any family who was interested. The classes that we offered during this time were only possible because of our supporters, all individual donors, corporate sponsors and the grant opportunities through the Broward County Cultural Division and the Broward Cultural Council. We were able to keep a handful of employees funded through this pandemic with work opportunities that were a direct result of the aforementioned supporters.

So first and foremost, we would like to say thank you to Broward Cultural Division, Broward Cultural Council, Yeboah Law Group, Tijuana Jackson Foundation, Romany Malco, Mr. Boggs, Mr. & Mrs. Salomon, Mrs. Yebaoh Mr. D. Yeboah, Dance FX, Ms. Reischer, Mr. Jackson, Ms. Boufford, Ms. Carter-Pereira, Ms. & Mr. Kerr, Mr. & Mrs. Brugat, Mr. & Ms. Jacobs, Ms. Conrad, Mr. Haun, and the many others that contributed and started fundraisers to keeping the virtual classes alive during this very difficult time.

Developing Dreams taught over fifteen 4 – 8 week classes to approximately 100 students during the peak of the pandemic and quarantine.

Recently the Broward County school Board announced its plan for the upcoming school year and it appears as if our virtual classes will be the new norm. Many kids will be home unattended with little to do 2 to 3 times a week. This new system will only allow a certain amount of kids in a school building at one time. Therefore we foresee a huge growth and investment in virtual classes in the coming semester.

We will continue to do our part by offering virtual classes and providing our community and youth from all over the nation an opportunity to continue to thrive and live a life of passion, unity and progress.

If you are interested in our work we ask that you please sign up to our email list by visiting our website and clicking on the ‘Get Notifications’ button. You will then be included in receiving updates, our challenges and our success stories as we all continue to work through this pandemic as the strong nation that we are.

Thank you from all of us here at the Developing Dreams Foundation.

Stay Safe and Be well.