Planet Choreo

-Planet Choreo is an event that brings dancers from all over the world to display their work in a dance battle platform. PC allows dancers from all performing arts disciplines to share their work with other dancers, from dance studios to individual dancers and dance companies, street crews and professional dance companies from all over the world.

This show is pure excitement from the times the  curtains open to the time the curtains close.Open Category: Hip hop Dance, House Dance, Afrobeat, Reggae Dancehall, Salsa Dance, Break Dance.

This event will be live and in-person at:

The African American Research Library and Cultural Center
2650 Sistrunk Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311

Deadline to Submit is February 9th, 2023

Solo & Duets - 2 or less
Small Group - 3 - 7
Large Group - 8 or more 3 - 7


Register your dance group now: Click Here