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Real Talks is a platform of sharing stories through powerpoint presentations, poems, and creative expression.
These speakers share their stories in hopes of helping others, enlightening the audience, and inspiring others. The purpose of sharing these personal stories are so that many will not have to go down the same paths, helping people overcome certain challenges, and taking control of our lives through positive thinking, and self application.

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Each participant will be allotted 10 minutes to deliver their entire speech, song or presentation. Presentations should offer some back story (history) and the lessons learned, or the benefits of what came out of their experiences, and why. Each presenter should consider how to bring value to others through their presentation.
Sign up to be a presenter today!! If you do not have a link to your previous work or presentations, please record a 1 minute - 3 minute video of yourself speaking. In this video please explain to us why you think your story or presentation will be beneficial to our audience, and why you think you will be the best candidate for this event.
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