Things to know about social media

We all know and love social media and of course our kids love them too. However, there are several things we must take into consideration when allowing our kids to open a social media account. Social media can be a great tool for learning, but it can also be detrimental to your kids mental health and understanding of the world. Whilst many look at social media as a fun and entertaining pastime, we have seen time and time again when kids and adults alike have gotten themselves into trouble and or have been misled due to false information. We care about your kids mental health and safety, on this blog we will continue to update you on some of the things to look out for with your kids and their social media use. Helping your child understand that it is a tool for entertainment and not a bible in which to live your live by we can help avoid a lot of long term negative conditioning. Passive bullying is a major problem on social media and we need to help our youths navigate the damaged people who are out to damage other.

Please stay tuned to our website for daily post and updates about social media trends so that you are aware of the things your kids are learning and seeing on their favorite platforms.

Take a moment to watch our free cyber safety video.